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What ages are the students at Reset Boston?

The majority of our students are between the ages of 18 and 25. We do occasionally have a student who is slightly older than that. 


What are the apartments like?

Currently, our apartment is a 4 bedroom/2 bath unit located in a vibrant, safe neighborhood in Somerville, MA. It is easily accessible by public transportation so students can get around easily. It's a neighborhood where college students and young professionals live. If you were in one of our apartments, it would feel nothing like a program but would feel like an off-campus apartment for grad students or twenty-somethings. 


Are you a therapeutic program?

We are a Life Coaching program, and do not have a therapist on our staff. This is an intentional decision on our part. One of our main goals is to support students in living in the real world and that means trying to make sure that they are consistently in real life situations. In our day to day lives, we don't have a therapist at our disposal whenever we like, and instead we have to actually find a therapist, ascertain whether they are a good fit for us, and then schedule and get to the appointment. We support our students with this process, and also have excellent relationships with a number of therapists in the area whom we work with and consider vital members of our team.


How do I know if I would be a good fit for your program?

This is an important question, and not always an easy one to answer. Our admissions process is fairly extensive, as we always want to make sure we are a good fit and can help you achieve your goals, so you will be asked a lot of questions, and will also get a chance to ask yours to make sure you feel good about coming here. For some more details on who this program may be a good fit for, click here.


Are there students who would not be a good fit?

Absolutely. Any program that says they can work with anyone should be avoided, at least in our humble opinion. While we do work with a wide array of students and individualize our approach for each of them, there are young people who would not be a great fit for us, or us for them. Click here to learn more on that as well.


Do I have to live in your housing?

Not at all. Some of our students choose to live in our housing because it's more convenient, or because they just don't feel ready to be completely on their own and want to build some more skills before taking that step. For other students, they feel ready to embrace the level of independence that living on their own brings, and choose to utilize all of our coaching services while living in their own apartments. And some students start out living in one of our apartments, and then transition into their own and continue coaching. 


Is there a fixed amount of time I have to be in your program?

For students who live in our housing, there is a 90-day initial commitment. In our experience, it takes at least this much time to get to know you, create goals as well as action plans for achieving them, and learn some of the skills necessary to be truly independent. 


Can I have a car?

This is taken on a student-by-student basis. The short answer is yes it is allowed. That being said, Boston and the surrounding towns are notoriously tough for parking, so that needs to be taken into account and takes a while to straighten out in terms of proving residency, etc. We also like to talk with students about their reasons for wanting a car and always want to make sure that it fits into their goals.


Am I allowed to go home to visit family or friends?

Of course, you are! Some vital areas of balance that we work on are family and social, so we actually encourage those sorts of visits. That being said, we also want to always make sure that it's in line with what your goals are and that trips arent' being used as distractions or as a way to slip back into behaviors that maybe haven't worked for you in the past.


Can I have visitors?

What we are always trying to do is create a real-life living situation for you. This is not a program where staff is living with you, or where they are present for sixteen hours a day. This is about creating a level of independence that is productive and that you can sustain. While there are some rules around having visitors, and you always need to take your housemates into consideration, creating a social life and having friends in your living space is an important part of being a young adult.


Will I have to share a room?

Our students never share rooms, and never share an apartment with more than three other students. We believe it's important to have your own personal space and sanctuary that is yours alone.


Can I work with a Counselor, Therapist, or Psychiatrist whom I already have a relationship with?


Absolutely! We have a very collaborative approach and always work with the student and family to do our best to have a continuity of care.

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