Our Values Matter
These are more than just words or ideas to us, they are the bedrock of all that we say and do. We can't ask our students to examine and hold themselves to values if we are not willing to do the same.
Without it, not much else matters. We keep our word, strive to do what is right, and stay true to our values at all times.
We approach things with curiosity, rather than judgment, and have the courage to ask ourselves questions and be open to being wrong.
We take responsibility for our words and actions and hold ourselves accountable to ourselves and those we work with.
We focus on what ties us together rather than what divides and stay open to new ways of looking at ourselves and others.
We remind ourselves and our students that we are not alone, that we can ask for help, and that together we are stronger.
Obstacles will be encountered and we steadfastly work to move through them to accomplish what is important to us.